Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog Entry 2.2 The Automobile Industry

Many automotive companies, regardless of their base of operations, tend to have manufacturing as well as other various other company subunits located outside of their native geographic location.

Dependant upon several factors such as cultural, geoeconomic, and governmental differences, these companies have to tailor their products to their many different customer needs. 

With the introduction of the Internet in Globalization 3.0, markets became open and free, specifically in the auto industry, cars can be bought and sold on-line and factories need not be where the company originate, in fact in order to cater to a wider market base, tailoring the designs and features to a specific regional or cultural area can actually  be a beneficial financial move.

From a Geoeconomic standpoint, the factors including gas consumption, size, and production materials can, dependant upon the location, drastically increase or decrease the demand for their product.

When it comes to Governmental regulations, factors such as emissions come into play when dealing with the auto industry. In certain areas these regulations maybe lax and in others it may be regulated more severely and adjustments must be made.

Even with the enormous advancements of the technology, a bad economy and bad financial practices, a perfect plan can fail as easily as a bad one.

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