Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blog Entry 1.2 Data Tracking for Ferrum Medical

The three pieces of raw data are as follows: Patients, Doctors, and Appointments.

Patients are assigned a Patient ID code, ex. 5555, this code is raw data which is then formatted into information as  55-55, which is then liked to the individual patient's name John Doe. So then the Patient ID code 55-55 is related to the Patient name John Doe; from that knowledge the Patients ID code and Name are liked to the other two data domains for Doctors and Appointments.

Doctors when hired are assigned a medical ID code to identify each individual Doctor, ex. 22222 this raw data is then formated into actual information, ex. 222-22  linked specifically to the individual doctor. The medical ID is then linked to Dr. David, from that knowledge he can be referenced by patients and appointment domains alike.

When a patient call's our front desk, they are given a date and time as well as the name of the doctor, from that point that number is entered into our database as random number set,  and the raw data of say: 19563 is formated to an appointment ID  to 19-5-63, that individual piece of information is then registered with the date and time of the appointment and the doctor, from that point the information from the Patient Domain can be accessed and correlated.

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