Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog Entry 2.1 services and globalization

Many online services have fueled globalization, through a network of many people contributing and gathering socially online, the global community has gotten smaller and more intimate. With social networking you can talk to and gather input from people across the world from your very own home.

With you can upload pictures, with that you can freely express yourself from the lens of your camera.With the innovative ability to upload personal data, people are propelled into the ever flattening and interconnecting world. allowing people to communicate as never before such that those involved, regardless of their location feel as if they are just a block away.

Due to the advertising costs paid to flicker the service is free, however, there are bandwidth restrictions, but for a small fee those are waived, and you can upload as much as you like.

The feature set at is extensive: from tagging to counting the cash for your wonderful art, the possibilities are staggering!

You can simply "Tag" photos to give a brief description, or you can go even further and use a Clustering feature, which allows you to group similar items together in a common field.

Your personally uploaded photos can be made private or public dependent upon your personal preference; whether it be the whole world, or a small group of intimate contacts, the choice is yours.

With your photos public people can rate them, and daily a pick of the most popular will be displayed on a common page for easy viewing purposes.

You can also edit and change your photos at will. 

With the use of "...creative commons..."( Services and Globalization) a means of copyrighting ones work can be achieved, you can then  sell your work without worrying about someone else taking credit for your hard work. also participates in Open ID, a free and easy way to log-in, making your log-in to multiple participating site log-on time hassle free and your fun time limitless.

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