Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog Entry 1.3 IFS Organization

There are three information system career positions that are vital to any successful IT organization, they perform duties ranging  from determining what people want, to making certain that all the IS are properly functional, to being there to fix any problems that may arise. Business Analysts, IFS Auditors, and Database Administrator are essential to the smooth sailing of any good company.

The Business Analysts act as a mediary between those who make the software or product and the customer. They contribute to the necessary network of people in an organization to allow smooth functionality and good business relations between the organization and customer. If a company doesn't know what people want, how can they make something people will buy?

When a program or Information System is in it preliminary stages or when a new product is being planned and there needs to be someone who you can count on to test it and give feed back as to its functionality and to test for errors, then you need and IFS Auditor. 

With all the information that swirls and gestates within an organization, you need a place to put it all and someone to manage it, someone to make sure everything is where it ought to be. Thats where databases and DBAs, or Database Administrators come in, they are in charge of maintaining the integrity of the databases and the data contained within.

These three professions combined make a well oiled machine and a profitable business. 

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