Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog Entry 3.1 Value Chain Analysis

With a Value Chain Analysis diagram, one can represent many important factors dealing with various aspects of a company or organization, specifically the types of IFS involved in each step, coupled with the various support sections involved at the bottom.

When medical supplies are purchased, via a Supply Chain Management System (SCM) a web of inter-connectivity between the supplier, the medical firm, and the patient is established. The firm orders, or rather has set amounts of supplies automatically shipped to them to after a certain amount of the supply has been depleted. The requisition order for said supplies are sent when after a pre-determined number of supplies has been reached in the supply inventory.
When patients call to place their appointments a Management Information System is used to coordinate the appointments with times and the specific doctor.

Then when a patient arrives a different system is used called an office automation system.  This allows a log of waiting and attended patients to be made. which then is used to keep track of all incoming and outgoing traffic.

 When a patient has to pay for any visits and or medications, they are then using a Transaction Processing System. Which will process the everyday monetary exchanges for each visit.

With tech support and research and developement, new and more innovating systems can be devised, implemented, and maintained. 

Through the use of Human resources, people may file complaints and or determine the most suitable ways to approach inter-office relations and how to solve problems. 

In the the General Administration department, the decision making and planning for all areas of data and IS usage and implementation for the purpose of advancing future gains of the company is done here.

All systems are connected in an effort to correlate data and make the business more efficient and useful.

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